Social Responsibility and Volunteer Tourism at Las Flores Resort
Las Flores Resort has been developed using strategic planning for sustainable development. Recently, GM Rodrigo Barraza received an academic extension diploma in Strategic management of Sustainability from Universidad Catholica de Valparaiso (Chile) to formalize the ideas on ISO 26,000 guidelines and standards. ISO 26000 provides guidance on how businesses and organizations can operate in a socially responsible way. This means acting in an ethical and transparent way that contributes to the health and welfare of society.
Las Flores Resort has a Corporate Social Responsibility committee, internal rules of procedures, code of ethics and good practices, which are evaluated each year. Also, we have an environmental strategy that is aligned with the United Nations objectives for Sustainable Development: Energy efficiency analysis according to indicators, Correct disposal of solid waste, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and responsible water management. We also Support two local schools to accommodate their students, provide sports uniforms and sponsorships, etc.
If you are coming down to Las Flores Resort soon, please consider bringing school supplies to donate to the local schools. We have been working to map the 6 schools around the area so that we know the contacts, the size, amount of students and priority needs of these schools and we make a day trip with each guest. The guest and local kids love the experience of cultural exchange and even a few crayons make a big difference for them. Sports supplies are the most liked.